3 tendencias en marketing digital que muchas empresas siguen sin implementar Los investigadores y expertos en el tema del marketing constantemente tienen que estar renovando estrategias para el mayor éxito de las empresas. Muchas de estas compañías mantienen el auge y prioridad en el mercado debido a que sus técnicas …
Read more3 extensiones de Chrome para crear logos e imágenes ideales 8 años ago
3 extensiones de Chrome para crear logos e imágenes ideales En el sector del diseño de imágenes hay un porcentaje elevado de personas a las que el arte les entra de forma natural, pero otros no tienen la misma suerte. Después de pasar por cientos de tutoriales, cursos, y todo …
Read moreHasty, una web para generar snippets de WordPress personalizados 8 años ago
Hasty, una web para generar snippets de WordPress personalizados A menudo os recomendamos diferentes herramientas con las que generar snippetspara vuestros proyectos de WordPress. Recientemente nos ha llamado la atención Hasty, una alternativa para generar snippets personalizados de WordPress que destaca por un funcionamiento rápido y de lo más intuitivo. …
Read moreLightstream, una herramienta gratuita para emitir vídeo en directo desde el navegador 8 años ago
Lightstream, una herramienta gratuita para emitir vídeo en directo desde el navegador En Internet encontramos montones de herramientas y plataformas distintas con las que emitir vídeo en directo. A pesar de ello, muchas son demasiado complicadas o requieren la instalación de software específico en nuestro ordenador, y las que son …
Read moreGoogle presenta cambios importantes para editores que usan Adsense 8 años ago
Google presenta cambios importantes para editores que usan Adsense Todos los creadores de contenido que usen adsense en sus sitios web podrán dentro de poco disfrutar de dos cambios importantes en este sector. Los anuncia Google en su blog, donde indican que están trabajando en un sistema que permita una …
Read more#GraciasALosProfes: Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day in Mexico 8 años ago
Today is Teacher Appreciation Day, or Día del Maestro, in Mexico, where 30 GEG (Google Educator Groups) leaders are at the helm of the movement to transform education through technology in Latin America. Our Mexican GEG leaders empower their fellow teachers to harness tech to meet students’ needs. We are …
Read moreSmarter cars powered by Android 8 años ago
Remember paper maps? Long before GPS, in-car navigation systems, and smartphones, you may have kept stacks of them in your car. Or maybe you stopped by a gas station for directions or a pay phone to tell someone you were running late. The world is pretty different today―we expect to …
Read moreThree years of striking the right (to be forgotten) balance 8 años ago
It is now three years since Europe’s highest court decided that EU citizens should have a «right to be forgotten.» Implementing that right has neither been simple nor without controversy, but in that time we’ve evaluated 720,000 delisting requests, ultimately removing around 43 percent of the more than 2 million …
Read moreMore ads transparency for publishers 8 años ago
Publishers are the backbone of the open web—the content creators, journalists, amateur videographers and our go-to guides for information. Fifteen years ago, we decided to help publishers make money from their content by starting AdSense, our first publisher platform. And today, our ad platforms are used by millions of publishers, …
Read moreHappy Mother's Day! Here's how your Google Assistant can help you celebrate 8 años ago
Mother’s Day is today and your Google Assistant is here to help you! So whether you need to pull together some last minute plans or just want to find the right way to make mom’s day, ask your Assistant and you’ll be on your way. Busy morning? Don’t forget the …
Read moreThe High Five: this week brings the heat 8 años ago
It’s a sweaty High Five this week, as things heat up at the FBI, in Montana and for an internet challenge. Here’s a look at a few of the of top trending Google searches from the week of May 8. Ya fired This week, many in the U.S. were focused …
Read moreBring your idea to life with G Suite 8 años ago
You know that feeling when you present on a project after working on it for too many months? It’s great. Perhaps the most gratifying part of wrapping a project (besides finally being done), is reflecting on how your idea came to be more than just an idea. For most of …
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