Waze ahora permite grabar nuestras propias instrucciones de voz 8 años ago

Waze ahora permite grabar nuestras propias instrucciones de voz Waze ha sumado una nueva función en su app para Android, que permite personalizar las instrucciones de navegación utilizando nuestra voz, o de cualquier persona que escojamos. La dinámica es simple, solo hay que ir a Ajustes, Sonido y voz, y encontraremos la …

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Amazon presenta Echo Show, con pantalla para llamadas 8 años ago

Amazon presenta Echo Show, con pantalla para llamadas Amazon acaba de presentar un nuevo dispositivo con Alexa: Echo Show, un dispositivo doméstico con Wi-Fi y pantalla de siete pulgadas que reproduce medios y responde a comandos de voz. Echo, hasta ahora, se limitaba a escuchar y dar respuestas, pero ahora …

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Ludus, una impresionante herramienta para hacer presentaciones 8 años ago

Ludus, una impresionante herramienta para hacer presentaciones Existen muchas formas de hacer presentaciones elegantes en Internet. Podemos usar la magia de Prezi, o las plantillas de Canva o Easil, o cualquiera de las herramientas que hemos ido comentando durante los últimos años (Emaze, Slid.es, Visme…), pero pocas ofrecen lo que …

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What is YouTube’s role in the music industry? 8 años ago

The music industry is navigating a period of significant change. But while physical sales have been on the decline, advertising- and subscription-funded streaming have been a source of growth. In 2016 YouTube paid out over 1 billion USD to the music industry from ad revenue alone; and our Content ID …

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Welcoming Owlchemy Labs to Google 8 años ago

We care a lot about building and investing in compelling, high-quality, and interactive virtual reality experiences and have created many of our own—from YouTube, Street View, and Photos on Daydream to Google Earth VR and Tilt Brush. And, we work with partners and support developers and creators outside of Google …

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Across the U.S., businesses are using the web to grow 8 años ago

When their 10-year-old daughter asked if she could raise alpacas on the family ranch, Jim and Kelley Hobart figured, “Why not?” They welcomed the animals onto their land and soon thereafter discovered the many benefits of alpaca wool. It was soft, durable, warm and eco-friendly—it had to be shared with …

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Making plans? We can help. 8 años ago

Hear about an amazing event but can’t remember where to buy the tickets? Have trouble finding the right activity to do with your sister who has two toddlers? Looking for something fun to do nearby tonight? Now Google can help. Today on the Google app and mobile web in the …

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