Add a custom favicon in the new Google Sites 7 years ago

The new Google Sites provides a simple and elegant way to create websites. To help your site stand out, you can now customize your favicon—the icon which appears in a browser tab or bookmark list—to match your site. This can help your viewers more easily recognize your site, and help …

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Inbox types now supported in the Gmail app for Android 7 years ago

We can all use a little help organizing our email. Gmail makes it easy, offering web and iOS users We hope this helps you stay on top of your email—no matter where (and on what device) you read it. Launch DetailsRelease track:Launching to both Rapid Release and Scheduled Release Editions:Available …

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Menu and toolbar updates in Google Docs editors 7 years ago

Based on usage data and your feedback, we’re making some changes to the menus in the web versions of the Google Docs editors. These are similar to the changes we made in December, in January, and in February and will make it easier to find certain items. Changes that affect …

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