How the World Bank is mobilizing their workforce with Android 8 years ago

Since formally launching enterprise support in Android two years ago, we’ve seen an explosion in the way companies are using mobile devices to evolve their businesses. The World Bank Group, which provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries, was one of the first to mobilize their workforce with Android’s …

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Celebrating our teachers 8 years ago

Two weeks ago, a few people on our team were lucky enough to attend the 2017 National Teacher of the Year Recognition Gala in Washington, DC, which we were proud to help sponsor. The Council of Chief State School Officers has organized this program for the last 65 years, and …

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Nuevo curso online gratuito en español para emprendedores 8 years ago

Nuevo curso online gratuito en español para emprendedores Si emprender está entre las metas que te has fijado para este año, podrás beneficiarte del programa que se impartirá con el curso Creación de empresa como opción de vida. Es un curso online y gratuito preparado por la Universidad CES, que tiene una duración …

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