Activities Analytics for Zoho CRM using Zoho Reports 8 years ago

Keeping track of activities handled by sales reps—the tasks, events, and calls made to prospects—is a crucial aspect of CRM. Every phone conversation, email, and other pre- and post-sale communication is logged in the activities module of the software. Sales managers and sales reps need insight on activities taking place …

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Cómo usar el móvil para no olvidarse de nada 8 years ago

Cómo usar el móvil para no olvidarse de nada Apps de listas, tareas pendientes, alertas o compartir tareas; el ‘smartphone’ se convierte en el mejor aliado de la memoria Algunas ‘apps’ te ayudan a recordar la hora de tomar las medicinas o el cumpleaños de un amigo. En el vídeo, …

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7 Best Practices to Be a World-Class Citizen Developer​ 8 years ago

With the advent of low-code, making apps is becoming easier every day. This advancement has resulted in a boom in the number of “citizen developers.” I am reminded of when camera phones came into the market—everyone became a “professional” photographer. But, no matter how good your camera is, you’re not …

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