Editor’s Note: Support for Origin Trials of WebVR launched in Chrome M56. WebVR allows web developers to build VR experiences with a single web app that can reach people through all compatible browsers and VR headsets like Daydream View. We’re exploring some of the early WebVR content that’s available now, …
Read moreExperience Virtual Reality on the web with Chrome 8 years ago
Virtual reality (VR) lets you tour the Turkish palace featured in “Die Another Day,” learn about life in a Syrian refugee camp firsthand, and walk through your dream home right from your living room. With the latest version of Chrome, we’re bringing VR to the web—making it as easy to …
Read moreUn generador de contraseñas de Netflix que en realidad guarda un virus 8 years ago
Un generador de contraseñas de Netflix que en realidad guarda un virus Nueva amenaza detectada, esta vez por la empresa japonesa Trend Micro, quien avisa que los usuarios que intentan acceder a Netflix sin haber pagado la tarifa, pueden acabar con un Ransomware en su ordenador. Los delincuentes están distribuyendo …
Read moreZoho's Checkout refuerza su suite financiera 8 years ago
Zoho’s Checkout refuerza su suite financiera Zoho Checkout ayuda a las MIPYMEs indias y a los freelancers a recopilar en línea una sola vez y los pagos recurrentes con facilidad. Zoho, un sistema operativo de negocio basado en la nube líder, dio a conocer Zoho Checkout, una aplicación de nueva …
Read moreProteja su empresa con el software de administración de contraseñas de Zoho Vault 8 years ago
Proteja su empresa con el software de administración de contraseñas de Zoho Vault Las brechas recientes en los datos nos han enseñado algo muy importante: los usuarios en línea son espectacularmente malos al elegir sus contraseñas seguras. Hoy en día la mayoría de los usuarios en línea son vulnerables a …
Read moreYa es posible añadir videos de Drive en las Presentaciones de Google 8 years ago
Ya es posible añadir videos de Drive en las Presentaciones de Google Si utilizas la app de Google para hacer presentaciones para tu trabajo o estudios, ahora tendrás una nueva opción para enriquecer su proyecto. Tal como lo anuncia el equipo de Google, se podrá insertar videos que tengamos almacenados …
Read moreHow three districts help their teachers learn and grow throughout the school year 8 years ago
Throughout the year, teachers are hard at work preparing lesson plans and improving their skills. And after school, on the weekends and during breaks, they also invest time in professional development, to expand their knowledge base and learn from their peers. We asked three school districts to share their best …
Read moreIntroducing Multi-column Layouts and more in Writer 8 years ago
You’ve been asking, and now, after hundreds of thousands of code changes, we’re delivering. Your documents are about to get a lot prettier. We’re extremely happy to finally announce this: Introducing multi-column layouts and more in Writer. Woot woot! //www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYolQ3oSA3k What is multi-column and why is it important? Newspapers, magazines, …
Read moreA new home for Google in the Philippines 8 years ago
A lot has changed in the four years since we opened the doors to our first office in the Philippines: another 20 million Filipinos have come online, and with the number of smartphone users expected to hit 70 million people next year, Filipinos are consuming more online content than ever …
Read moreStep "Into the Wild" with Tango at Singapore ArtScience Museum 8 years ago
The Sumatran tiger is among the most critically endangered species in the world, with just 400 tigers surviving today. Its natural habitat is also one of the most threatened regions. With a new virtual reality experience, visitors to Into the Wild at Singapore’s ArtScience Museum can get really close to …
Read moreFour tips for project-based learning in the connected era 8 years ago
Editor’s note: As part of our ongoing celebration of students and teachers, we’re highlighting leaders across the world to share how they’re creating more collaborative, engaging classrooms. Today’s guest author is Claire Amos, one of the keynote speakers from Education on Air, Google’s free online conference which took place in …
Read moreAndroid Wear 2.0: Make the most of every minute 8 years ago
While traditional watches tell the time, Android Wear watches make the most of your time. In an instant, you can check when and where you’re meeting a friend, whether you’ll need an umbrella tonight, or how many minutes you’ve been active today—all without reaching for your phone. Today, we’re announcing …
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