Labeling fact-check articles in Google News 8 years ago

Over the last several years, fact checking has come into its own. Led by organizations like the International Fact-Checking Network, rigorous fact checks are now conducted by more than 100 active sites, according to the Duke University Reporter’s Lab. They collectively produce many thousands of fact-checks a year, examining claims …

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Peeking into the future of work with Salesforce 8 years ago

When it comes to redefining how people go about their everyday work, Google and Salesforce have shared a remarkably similar path, with our roots planted firmly in the cloud. That’s why we were very excited to share the stage last week at Dreamforce to showcase two integrations that Salesforce built …

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Google Italy’s “Safer Internet” tour 8 years ago

To mark Cybersecurity Month, Google Italy is going on tour — a bus tour, that is. Our Digital Safety bus will visit five Italian cities, bringing you Google-trained experts and representatives from the Communications Police and the consumer association Altroconsumo. They’ll be on hand to offer you concrete suggestions on …

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Helping schools transform, together 8 years ago

Over the past few years we’ve had the privilege to work closely with thousands of schools that are seeking to improve and innovate with the help of technology. Every school is different, but we’ve heard a lot of common themes from educators: that change is hard; that change is about …

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Jump: Using omnidirectional stereo for VR video 8 years ago

Virtual reality makes it possible for you to explore new worlds, faraway places, famous museums, or even be present in the front row of a concert or sporting event in another country. But achieving high quality, stereoscopic 360 video capture for virtual reality has required custom complex, high-end camera systems …

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Building on Surveillance Reform 8 years ago

Today, we’ve updated our Transparency Report on government requests for user data. Globally, we received 44,943 government requests for information regarding 76,713 accounts during the first half of 2016. We provided user information in response to 64% of those requests, which remains unchanged from the previous reporting period (i.e. the …

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