With its beautiful beaches and breathtaking landscape, Rio de Janeiro is a city that appears on every traveler’s bucket list. Now, thanks to the wonders of technology, you can now explore the “Marvellous City” and its rich cultural heritage even if you can’t make the trip. We partnered with eight of Rio’s top cultural institutions to create an
Explore Rio from every angle 9 years ago

Bronze statue of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Exploring Elifas’ album covers through time
You can also go back in time by taking a peek at one of the richest collections of archival photographs of Rio, or tag along on a guided tour of the works of Rio-based artist and author Ziraldo, whose comics and children’s books have marked the lives of generations of Brazilians.
Take a virtual reality tour with Cardboard
Mapping the whole city
A huge part of Rio’s history and culture resides in the hillside favelas that dot the landscape. In fact, one in five Rio residents live in favelas, but only 0.001 percent of the city’s favelas appear on the map. That means 1.4 million people have no addresses to list on job applications or bank accounts, and aren’t able to access many economic opportunities, essential services, even basic rights as citizens. So we teamed up with local NGO Grupo Cultural AfroReggae to map the favelas. Two years later, streets and 10,000+ local businesses in 26 favelas now appear on Google Maps, thanks to “Tá no Mapa,” our “On the Map” project.
The Rocinha favela before and after our mapping project
This new online collection opens its virtual doors today at g.co/riodejaneiro on Google Arts & Culture. It is available on the web on mobile, tablet and desktop, and on the Google Arts & Culture app on iOS and Android devices.
With the world’s eyes on Rio, we’re excited to give you a glimpse of all the splendor and creativity the city has to offer!
Posted by Alessandro Germano, Global Product Partnerships
Alessandro Germano Global Product Partnerships https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnsjBGqEP3k/V5rGIC2KcZI/AAAAAAAASvM/dkja-J0UdA0DaVMm4r8ERbFB1wrdZlX1wCLcB/s1600/Conservac%25CC%25A7a%25CC%2583o%2BRio%25282%2529.jpg